Business policy
The Business Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") sets out the rights, obligations and responsibilities of InnoFit Fusion Marketing LLC (2300 N Street, NW Suite 300-RLK Washington, District of Columbia 20037) (InnoFit) and its Business Partners (Partners) registered on the website, as well as the principles to be followed in developing and maintaining the Partners' business.
InnoFit (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") shall keep records of the Business Partners ("Partner"), their business structure and turnover, provide the marketing tools and training materials to the Partners, according to their level of eligibility, and provide the products offered by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "InnoFit Products") in cooperation with them through the website https:/ The Partners shall have a legal relationship with the Company for the duration of their membership.
Concepts, terms and expressions
1.1 Business Partner: a natural person who registers in the InnoFit system and who accepts to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Business Policy.
1.2 Affiliate Partner: a natural person who has registered in the InnoFit system by purchasing a Basic package on the website
1.3 Front / frontline: the Business and Affiliate Partner(s) directly connected to the Partner.
1.4 Sponsor: a Business Partner who has at least one other Partner directly connected to him/her.
1.5 Position: the place occupied in the network structure.
1.6 Upline (sponsorship line): the Business Partner's sponsor and the sponsor(s) of his/her sponsor up to the Company. All sponsorship lines start from the Company.
1.7 Foot, line, downline: a Business Partner (front) directly sponsored by another Business Partner, together with the entire group associated with him/her.
1.8 Royalty line: the leg on which a Business Partner in a downline has reached the Gold Manager level.
1.9 Regular customer: a natural person who purchases from the InnoFit system via the regular customers’ web office at
1.10 Personal turnover: the total value of the orders placed under the name of the Partner, by the Partner (from his/her web office) and his/her affiliated customers and regular customers.
1.11 Group turnover: the turnover of the Business Partner and the entire structure (group) associated with him/her, including the personal turnover of the Business Partner.
1.11.1 Direct group turnover: the total turnover of the legs associated with the Business Partner that have not reached Gold Manager level.
1.11.2 Indirect group turnover: The total traffic of legs associated with a Business Partner that have reached at least Gold Manager level.
1.12 Side turnover: the turnover generated outside the strongest line (the one with the highest point value) of the Business Partner.
1.13 Qualification: the achievement of a business level of the Company as described in this Business Policy, by fulfilling the necessary conditions.
1.14 Point value (PV): the marketing value of products and services expressed in points, as defined by the Company, which is used as the basis for calculating bonuses and qualifications. The PV/EUR value of products may vary.
1.15 Bonus pool: the portion of the product that is divided between the Business Partners once the purchase has been made, i.e. the purchase has been financially settled and the order has been confirmed.
1.16 Bonus: the amount of money accounted for as described in the Commission Policy, depending on the Business Partner's business level and group turnover, and recorded by the Company in the Partner's web office.
1.17 Bonus: the bonus that may be paid to the Partner if the conditions set out in the Commission Policy are met.
Membership (registration)
2.1 Conditions of membership
2.2 Any natural person over the age of 18 with full legal capacity and whose application for membership has been accepted may become a Partner.
2.3 No legal person or association without legal personality may become a Partner.
2.4 No person who has previously been excluded by the Company may become a Partner.
2.5 No person who is in prison or in another penal institution may become a Partner.
2.6 No person who is mentally incapable of operating his/her business shall become a Partner.
2.7 In the case of spouses or life partners joining the Company, the parties may not be sponsored on different sponsorship lines, but may only join directly to each other. Spouses and life partners, despite being members under two separate legal titles, are liable for each other's activities.
2.8 A person may hold one position. No more than one position may be purchased.
2.9 If a candidate partner provides false information during the registration process, the Company may exclude him/her from the ranks of Partners.
Procedure for Partner registration
3.1 Registration is possible only through the online forms operated by the Company, by providing the applicant's real data.
3.2 The data provided during the registration will be processed by the Company in accordance with the provisions of its Privacy Policy.
3.3 The acceptance of the registration is decided by the Company; the applicant acknowledges that the Company has the right to reject the application.
3.4 The applicant will be notified of the acceptance of the registration at the email address provided at registration. The confirmation e-mail will contain all the information necessary to start.
Partner registration activation
4.1 Partner registration is activated by purchasing a Basic product package via the https:/ link you will receive in your email inbox.
The current price of the Basic package can be found at https:/
The prices on InnoFit's online ordering interface are displayed in euros and must be paid in euros. The Basic package includes: 1 InnoFit TopForm, 1 InnoFit Child, 1 OriFit and 1 PurFit.
4.2 The newly registrered Partner's direct bonus for the purchase of a Basic package will be credited to the Business Partner to whom he/she has pre-registered, even if the new Partner is placed on the bottom lines within the team.
4.3 The newly registered Partner can start purchasing the online (e-learning) training courses (Team Leader training and Online marketing training) after purchasing the Basic package.
4.4 Once registered, Partners can choose to meet the minimum monthly turnover requirement with their own purchases and/or customers until the 20th of each month, the turnaround date.
4.5 After the Partner has successfully completed the Team Leader and Online Marketing training, he/she will have the opportunity to purchase a license from the Company. Upon payment of the license fee, the Partner will be granted access to the online recruitment marketing tools developed by the Company.
Responsibilities and obligations of the Partner
5.1 The Partner shall comply with the policies, procedures and
and guidelines, and to act in good faith and with integrity in the conduct of his/her business. If he/she fails to do so, the Company may terminate his/her legal relationship and exclude him/her from the ranks of the Company's Partners.
5.2 The Partner shall not encourage another Partner to terminate his/her own registration or to violate the provisions of this Policy. A Partner who engages in such activity may be excluded from the ranks of the Company's Partners by the Company by terminating his/her registration.
5.3 If there is a change in the Partner's details, the Partner must change them in his/her web office within 30 days.
5.4 Without the approval of the Company, the Partner may not publish any promotion or make any statement on behalf of the Company in any public or private forum or website.
5.5 The Partner is expected to comply with Company's Privacy Policy with respect to all Partners and customers, which includes their business information.
5.6 The Partner may access and use, for contact purposes, the data of other Partners and Applicants in his/her group through his/her password-protected web office on the Company's website. Any other use is prohibited. The Partner shall treat the personal data of the Partners in his/her group as confidentially as possible and shall take all reasonable and appropriate measures to protect the proprietary information and to maintain its confidentiality. The Partner shall not compile, arrange, list or use the data of the Partners for purposes other than the performance of his/her obligations under this Policy. Any use or disclosure of personal data other than that authorised by the Company shall result in immediate exclusion. The Partner shall be liable for any damages resulting from the breach of the above rules. The confidentiality obligations set out in this part of the Policy shall apply to the Partner during the course of his/her activities as well as after his/her removal or exclusion from the Company.
5.7 The Partner shall not send, forward or otherwise publish unsolicited electronic messages in any form to any person within the Company with whom the Partner has no pre-existing personal or business relationship.
5.8 The Partner shall not communicate religious, political or personal social beliefs within the Company. The Partner shall not conduct worship or other religious services at Company events.
5.9 The Partner shall not promote any business opportunity outside the Company at Company events.
5.10 The Partner shall not solicit outside business opportunities at Company events.
5.11 The Partner shall not claim that success is only possible if a certain system is used in a certain way by an associate.
5.12 The Partner shall not make health claims attributed to the Company's products. A may share his own product experiences and those of others during personal meetings, either with other Partners or with prospective Partners, but only with the strict understanding that they are unique and not general. The Partner is personally responsible for the product experiences shared.
5.13 The Partner may not repackage the products or alter their contents, or change or alter the packaging labels of the products distributed by the Company.
5.14 The Partner shall not allow the Company's products to be sold or displayed in retail establishments (including online webshops). The above rule applies not only to products, but also to services and promotional material relating to both.
5.15 The Partner may not claim to be employed by the Company. He/she may not claim to be an employee of the Company or refer to himself/herself as an agent, manager or company representative, or use such words or phrases on his/her business card or other printed materials. The Partner may not use his/her business card to create the impression that he/she is employed by the Company. If the Partner is not yet an Active Manager (in which case he/she may indicate his/her business position, unless otherwise specified by the Company), he/she may only identify himself/herself as a Partner on his/her business card or other printed materials.
5.16 The Partner shall not claim to have exclusive franchises or territories due to the Company's business system.
5.17 If the Partner sells products or services other than InnoFit products, he/she may not encourage another Partner to sell such products or services. This rule also applies to investments, securities and loans, regardless of their source.
5.18 If the Partner sells products or services other than those distributed by the Company, he/she may not combine them with the sale of products distributed by the Company or use InnoFit's promotional materials or any other services for his/her own purposes.
5.19 The Partner is prohibited from interfering or attempting to interfere with another Partner's business or inducing or attempting to induce another Partner to do so in violation of the principles of good faith and fair dealing, including:
5.19.1 changing his/her sponsorship line,
5.19.2 transfering or sell his/her business,
5.19.3 sponsoring or not sponsoring a Partner,
5.19.4 denying education, training, other support or motivation to a Partner in his/her downline,
5.19.5 violation of any Company policy.
5.19.6 start distributing another company's product,
5.19.7 stop working or terminate the partnership.
5.20 The Partner must operate the business in a financially sound, solvent and businesslike manner.
5.21 The Partner shall not operate an illegal or unlawful business or engage in or participate in an illegal or unlawful business activity.
5.22 The Partner shall comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the operation of his/her business. The Partner shall not engage in any deceptive or unlawful business practice or any activity that jeopardizes the reputation of the Company and InnoFit.
5.23 The Partner shall not operate in a market if he/she does not have a business licence in the country in question or operate in the name of the Company in a market where it is not yet officially present. If he/she does not act in accordance with the above and thereby violates any legal or other rule, he/she shall reimburse the Company for all costs, claims, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising directly or indirectly from any violation of this principle.
5.24 The Company will grant a commission for the purchases of the Partner and of the Partners in his/her group, as well as of the Partner's customers, as set out in the Commission Policy. The Partner is not allowed to manipulate the actual turnover; in particular:
5.24.1 he/she must report the turnover on behalf of the person who actually purchased the product(s),
5.24.2 he/she is prohibited from registering fictitious persons or real persons registered for speculative purposes with the Company, in order to obtain financial benefits,
5.24.3 his/her own consumption may not exceed five times the minimum monthly turnover. The Company reserves the right to withhold commissions or recognition if, according to its own assessment, the Partner does not comply with the above rules.
5.24.4 The Partner may not manipulate the Company's system in a manner that results in the payment of income or recognition that is not earned under the terms of the Company and/or the Company's system.
5.25 If the Company withholds recognition or payment of a Partner's commission in accordance with this Policy for justifiable reasons, the Partner may not commence bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings against the Company, seek the appointment of a receiver or similar officer to manage the assets of the Company, seek a court order for their seizure, initiate state measures or enforce any unpaid debt.
5.26 The Partner owns his/her own business. The Partner is responsible for its lawful operation.
5.27 The Partner shall not accept cash separately from any applicant, other Partner or customer as payment for products, services and training provided by the Company on behalf of the Company.
5.28 The Partner may not directly advertise his/her site and its sub-sites operated by InnoFit International Trade Ltd. ( The advertising of blog articles is exempt from this provision. If the Partner acts contrary to this, the Company may exclude him/her from the ranks of its partners by terminating his/her legal relationship.
5.29 The Partner shall use the Company's uniform name when creating a business page provided by Facebook. For the purpose of recruiting a Business Partner: "John/Jane Doe (own name) - Fusion Marketing Business Partner". For the advertising InnoFit product funnels, blog articles: "John/Jane Doe (own name) - InnoFit Affiliate Partner".
Duties and obligations of the Manager
6.1 The Manager shall be bound by Clauses 5 and 6 and shall use his/her best endeavours to ensure that the Partners comply fully with the policies accepted at the time of registration (Business Policy, Commission Policy).
6.2 The Manager shall explain the obligations and responsibilities of the Partners according to the policies, including the Business Policy, as required.
6.3 The Manager shall motivate the Partner, as required, to comply with the Business Policy or collaborate with one of the Jade Directors (or above) in his/her sponsorship line to provide education and motivation. If there is no Director in his/her sponsorship line, he/she may request the assistance of the Company.
6.4 The Manager must make every effort to involve the Partners in the life of the Company and must provide information on products as requested.
6.5 The Manager shall not oblige any Partner in his/her group to buy products, services or participate in events organised or promoted by the Company.
6.6. The Manager shall attend the required training courses and pass the examinations for the qualifications.
6.7 The Manager shall maintain correct business and financial accounts with his/her Partners.
Duties and obligations of the Director
7.1 The Director shall be bound by Clauses 5 and 6.
7.2 The Director shall communicate with the Partners in his/her group, according to their level of business, in person, in writing, by telephone or electronically.
7.3 The Director shall organise and hold events and training courses for his/her group as required, organise and hold training courses and events for his/her Group, and actively engage with the Partners in his/her Group.
7.4 The Director shall provide professional support and training to the Partners in his/her group (e.g. consultation, lectures, meatings, etc.).
7.5 The Director shall participate in the Company's events, make presentations at such events upon request, and to waive the copyright of audio, video and video recordings of the presentations in favour of the Company.
7.6 The Director shall have sufficient and accurate knowledge of the policies, show exemplary compliance with them, and enforce them within his/her group.
7.7 The Director shall protect the sponsorship rights of the Partners in his/her group.
7.8 The Director shall assist and guide the Managers in his/her group.
Business levels and commission rates

8.1 At Director and Ambassador level, the differential (volume) bonus is supplemented by a royalty-type bonus for royalty (Gold Manager level) legs:
after the 1st generation (depth): 8%,
after the 2nd generation: 5%,
after the 3rd generation: 3%,
after the 4th generation: 2%.
8.2 These percentages are uniform for all Director and Ambassador levels.
Qualification conditions
9.1 The achievement of business levels at Associate and Group Manager levels is linked to total monthly group turnover expressed in PV,
9.2 at Director Level to the number of Gold Manager fronts,
9.3 at Ambassador Level to the number of Diamond Director fronts.
9.4 If a Partner's group meets the required PV for a given level and he/she is active, he/she qualifies for that level.
9.5 It is possible to qualify for more than one level in a month, i.e. to skip levels. In such a case, the Partner may qualify on the basis of the highest level reached, but is of course also entitled to all the benefits associated with the levels skipped.
9.6 The lack of side turnover will affect the qualification; the Partner will receive the business level and the corresponding commission percentage, but will not receive any commission for the leg for which he/she does not have side turnover.
9.7 The qualification period is always the calendar month (orders paid from 00:00 on the first day of the month to 24:00 on the last day of the month).
Conditions for maintaining business levels
10.1 The Partners must confirm the business level already achieved on a quarterly basis, i.e. they must again achieve the group turnover required for qualification in at least one of the three full calendar months following qualification.
For example, if a Partner reached the 2,500 point Silver Manager level in January, he/she must reach or exceed 2,500 points again in at least one month during February, March, April. (This includes the turnover of detached and undetached legs. The point is that his/her group shall not drop below a level once he/she has reached it.)
10.2 If the Partner fails to reach the level of business corresponding to his/her business level in the three months, he/she will fall back to the level corresponding to the highest business level according to the PV reached during these three months in the month following the third calendar month and his/her title and commission rate will change accordingly.
11.1 To be eligible for a bonus or not to be downgraded, the Partner must be active. This requires:
11.1.1 as a Business Partner, the monthly expected turnover of at least PV 45 must be fulfilled by the 20th day of the month, i.e. the turnaround date.
11.2 The Partner who fails to meet the requirements of Clause 11.1, with a minimum PV of 10, will be reclassified as an Affiliate Partner as of the 1st of the following month.
11.3 As a Business Partner, the consequences of not fulfilling the activity (minimum PV of 45) until the 20th of the month:
11.3.1 The Partner will lose his/her entire downline of affiliates, which will then move up to his/her sponsor, but he/she will retain his/her database of customers and interested parties.
11.4 If the Partner fails to reach even the minimum PV of 10 by the 20th, he/she will become a regular customer without the possibility of appeal after the end of the month and his/her partnership will be terminated.
11.5 For Affiliate Partners, the consequences of not fulfilling the activity (minimum PV of 10) by the 20th are the following:
11.5.1 the Affiliate Partner loses his/her bonus entitlement,
11.5.2 the Affiliate Partner loses his/her customer base and database of interested parties.
11.5.3 All obligations of the Affiliate Partner (including the monthly expected turnover) will cease.
System usage fee
12.1 The Business Partners are obliged to contribute to the operation of the online tools (including, but not limited to, the multilingual website, the web office, the operation of the training system and the mailing system, monthly fees for software, hosting) by paying a system usage fee.
12.2 This fee will be automatically deducted from the direct bonus accrued at InnoFit International Trade Ltd.
12.3 The amount of the fee may vary flexibly in line with price changes. The current system usage fee can be viewed in the web office.
Training and examinations system
13.1 A Business Partner who has reached a certain business level is obliged to master the training material corresponding to his/her business level within a maximum of 90 days from the 1st day of the month following the month in which he/she has reached the business level and to report on the practical application of the knowledge material contained therein to the authorised Manager or Director (certification). He/she may attempt to obtain certification any number of times within 90 days.
13.2 Until the Partner fails to comply with the obligation set out in Clause 13.1 beyond 90 days after his/her qualification, all of his/her entitlements to the Business Level, other than the payment of commissions, will be suspended. Regardless of certification, he/she will retain his/her network and business level up to the Bronze Manager level, but will not be entitled to hold the title. Above the Bronze Manager business level, he/she will be downgraded to Bronze Manager business level and his/her bonus will then be calculated at that level.
13.3 The Company will provide the Partner with the learning materials required for the next level in e-learning (electronic) format upon reaching each business level for which certification is necessary.
13.4 All training material for each business level is only available to Partners certified for the previous business level.
Change of ownership of the business
14.1 The forms of change of ownership may be changing sponsors, sale, merger, inheritance and transfer.
14.2 If there is a change of ownership of the Partner's business, this requires the prior approval of the Company, which the Company may give at its sole discretion.
14.3 Any change of ownership shall always be done in such a way that it does not adversely affect the interests and/or income of the businesses on the sponsorship line. It is prohibited to use changes of ownership of the businesses with manipulative intent for the following purposes:
14.3.1 strategic restructuring,
14.3.2 to gain business and/or financial advantage,
14.3.3 to corrupt the business of others.
14.4 Changing sponsors means the Partner's transferring to another sponsorship line, which may be done individually or in group. The provisions of Clause 14.4.1 shall apply for all or part of the business retained.
14.4.1 In the case of individual sponsor change, the Partner who wishes to change sponsors must submit a written request to all Partners in his/her sponsorship line up to and including at least the first Director. If the sponsor is a Director, he/she must also obtain written consent from the next Director or higher Active Manager on the sponsorship line. In addition, he/she must also submit a written request to the new sponsor and the first Director level Partner on the new sponsor's sponsorship line.
14.4.2 In the event of changing sponsors in group, the Partner will transfer with all or some of the members of his/her sponsored group. In the case of changing sponsors in group, the Partner is obliged to submit a written authorization of each member who wishes to change sponsors with him/her, under the conditions described in the case of an individual change of sponsors (see Clause 14.4.1). Active Leaders are prohibited from changing sponsors in group.
14.4.3 Changes of sponsors in group may be authorised/initiated by the Network Director. In this case, the Network Director may waive the obligation to submit the written request of the sponsorship line. Here again, communication and cooperation with stakeholders is important.
14.5 If the Partner sells his/her business, it will retain its sponsorship line. A Partner with a business, regardless of its level of business, may only sell his/her business to another authorised Partner. In order to protect the sponsorship line, the right of first refusal for the business offered for sale shall be exercised in the following order:
14.5.1 the Company,
14.5.2 the sponsor,
14.5.3 the nearest Director on the sponsorship line,
14.5.4 the Managers on the sponsorship line, in order,
14.5.5 any Partner or person other than InnoFit, if there are no disqualifying circumstances and if approved by the Company.
14.6 The owner shall send the purchase offer in writing to the parties entitled to receive it. If no reply is received from the entitled parties within 15 days, they shall be deemed not to have exercised their right.
14.7 A merger will be made between the business in question and the business of first Partner with active status on the sponsorship line. A merger may only take place if the business with a higher business level is at 70% or less and the merger does not result in a higher business level.
14.8 A merger shall take place if:
14.8.1 the Partner gives up his/her business,
14.8.2 the Partner changes sponsors,
14.8.3 there is a death without succession or without naming a successor,
14.8.4 the Partner ceases to have active status,
14.8.5 the Partner is excluded by the Company from the ranks of its Partners pursuant to Clause 16.2.
14.9 If the merger cannot take place for one of the reasons described above, the Company shall become the owner of the business. The funds resulting from the business will be deposited by the Company in an incentive fund for eligible Partners, unless the Company decides otherwise.
14.10 If two Partners with separate businesses on different sponsorship lines marry, one of the Partners must give up its business, unless otherwise provided for in the Policy. This may be by sale, merger or transfer. In this case, if both of the spouses are Active Leaders, they may operate both businesses, but both must do so on the original sponsorship line.
14.11 Upon the death of a Partner, his/her interest in the business may be transferred to a relative or other designated person, subject to his/her acceptance, in accordance with the succession documents or, in the absence thereof, in accordance with the relevant legislation. In order for the transfer to take place, the new owner must present the necessary documents to the Company within 60 days of the death pf the Partner. In addition, the new owner must manage the business in accordance with the activities of the former Partner and must carry out the former Partner's sponsorship activities (see Clause 8). If he/she does not have the necessary knowledge and experience, the Company will arrange for appropriate support, subject to the rules described for the sale of the business. The new owner will have up to six months to acquire the necessary knowledge and experience and to complete the training and examinations. The Company has the right to split the income from the business between the new owner and the Partner supporting the business in proportion to the work carried out. If the new owner fails to acquire the necessary knowledge and practice, or to meet the examination requirements, within the six months reserved, he/she will be entitled to a maximum of 50% of the income from the business.
14.12 The Partner may transfer his/her business to another person in justified cases, subject to the approval of the Company. Approval is given as described under Clause 14.3 and the interested person must fulfil the conditions for registration (see Clause 2).
14.13 A Parner may only have one Business, except as provided below:
14.13.1 if two Parties get married,
14.13.2 if a Partner with an existing business buys another business in accordance with the sales rules,
14.13.3 if a Partner inherits an existing business.
14.14 If a Partner owns two or more businesses under this Policy, such businesses shall be operated jointly as a single legal entity, but the Company shall continue to treat the businesses as separate and shall acknowledge them only as separate, individual businesses for recognition purposes.
Use of the Company's trade name, trademarks and copyrighted materials
15.1 The Partner may not misuse or unlawfully use the Company's trade name, trademarks and other intellectual property. Any improper use by a Partner of the Company's trade name, trademarks or other intellectual property belonging to or licensed to the Company will result in the exclusion of that Partner from the partnership.
15.2 The Partner shall not produce or obtain from any source other than the Company any items bearing the Company's name or logo or any trademarks or trade names belonging to or owned by the Company.
15.3 The Partner may not distribute products, aids or any other material produced by the Company bearing the Company's trademark and copyright in any form other than the form in which it is published by the Company.
15.4 The entire contents of the websites operated by the Company, such as texts, graphics, photographs, graphic design, are also protected by copyright and may not be used for commercial purposes or copied, even in part, without the prior written permission of the Company.
Termination of Business Partner status
16.1 If a Partner terminates his/her registration or is for any reason excluded by the Company from the ranks of its Partners, the person who signed the registration has no further rights in relation to his/her Partner status. The further development of his/her business is subject to the provisions of Clause 11.
16.2 A Partner may be excluded from the Company in the event of a serious breach of the provisions of this Policy. The exclusion may be initiated by the Company or the Ethics Committee. Violation of the following clauses shall be considered serious breaches of the Policy:
16.2.1 Clause 2.8,
16.2.2 Clause 5,
16.2.3 Clause 15.
16.3 The Company shall notify the Partner to be excluded in writing at its postal or electronic address in the register in accordance with the legislation in force.
16.4 If the possibility of exclusion arises against a Partner as described in the Policy or for any other reason, the Partner will be suspended following the violation until the final decision of the Ethics Committee on the matter.
16.5 During the period of suspension, the Company reserves the right to:
16.5.1 withhold the income of the Partner concerned,
16.5.2 withdraw the use of the business opportunity,
16.5.3 refuse his/her participation in the Company's events,
16.5.4 appoint a representative for the suspended Partner's business by written notice.
16.6 Following exclusion from the Company, the Partner shall cease all activities associated with his/her status as a Partner.
16.7 The Company shall have the right to recover certain incomes of the excluded Partner to the extent that it was directly earned in the course of his/her activities in connection with the exclusion.
16.8 The Company shall have the right to reclaim from the excluded Partner any recognitions or items received from the Company in connection with the recognitions. In such case, the excluded Partner shall be obliged to return these.
16.9 If the excluded Partner commits trade-spoiling, brings the Company or InnoFit or Fusion Marketing into disrepute or makes false statements about them or their activities, the Company may claim damages from him/her.
Effective date
The provisions of this Policy shall apply from 1 August 2022.
1 August 2022